My youngest son asked me to sword fight with him one afternoon, at which I replied, Mommies dont sword fight. That's daddy's job.
He was taken a bit aback. He looked at me seriously with his four year old eyes.
"But mommy, what about the dragon," He asked me sincerely.
He was referring to a chapter in my book where I defeat a three headed dragon, Moloch, who represents for me the type of abuse I want to shield my children from.
"Well, I mean I don't fight people,"I corrected myself. I liked that he remembered the story and I want him to see me as a heroin.
"Mommies only fight in spiritual warfare."
He looks at me confused.
I continue, "Mostly they fight when something threatens to hurt their children, like I killed the dragon with my dagger. "
"Did you stab him?" He asked
"Yeah, in the eye," I said with conviction."Then I cut his head off, but it grew back.Â
"Cool!" He was enthralled waiting for the rest of the story.
"Remember? I threw a vial of poison into his that blew in his stomach."
His eyes were wide with shock. Then he stopped and looked at me, turning his head slightly so that his gazed was now from the corners of his eyes.
"Mommy, is this for real, or just pretend?"
I laugh at his honesty, but not sure how to answer; I reached for the biblical truth."
"It's for real alright, just not in the flesh. The bible says, "Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of this dark realm." (Eph. 6:12)
I felt profound, but the explanation was lost on him.
"What?"is all he could say.
"It is hard for me to explain now but remember. My pen is my dagger and my journal is my shield." I motioned as if to stand guard.
"Let me see your shield." He inquired further.
"Its downstairs, you know, those books I carry around and am always writing in?"
"Whatever..." is how he finished to conversation as he walked off to find someone who would spar with him till his dad got home.
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