Friday, September 29, 2006

The Gathering Place

The Gathering Place

The Gathering Place is a concept of an alternative bookstore that encourages groups to gather and search out the truth. There will be comfortable seating and coffee. I intend on stocking the shelves with bible research material and books that have been a blessing to me for people to peruse at will while in the store or purchase to take home. I desire to carry books relating to parenting helps and devotional material. Books for biblical and historical research will be available along with information on the new prophetic moves in the Church at large, dream interpretation, and worship. Alternative Christian music including meditation music and alternative rock is going to be played in the store and offered for purchase.
I also plan on decorating a special section in a particular theme related to a promotional product. For example, there is a new line of inspirational books by Mission City press called A Life of Faith that is geared towards 8- 14 years olds similar to the American Girl books. They are specifically related to the development of Christian values and maturity in the faith. They have a line of dolls and accessories. The promotional includes a Girl’s Club and Tea events, which I wish to host in the specially decorated space.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Funny things Part 2

Maddy brought down one of her babies because she wanted to be a bible times mommmy. The baby had on a cute but unbiblical romper with bloomers. She began to ask, what did babies wear int the bible and then she remembered... something about...swall "I need some cloth so I can swallow my baby." We all started laugh so much, even Maddy knew she had mispoken.
One week til release date. Please keep me in your prayers. I was warned that writing a book especially your testimony is a great deal like child birth. The anticipation, the waiting, the labor, the waiting...I must say at this point I feel that publishing is worse than childbirth. It lasts longer! I feel that I have been in labor for 3 months now. Soon I will have my baby and wait for what the world has to say about her...this time I really do care. I wish I didn't but...I guess I'm human after all.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Funny things my kids say Part 1

I never fail to be inspired by the things by kids say and do, even th funny things …

At home church we were acting out a bible time family. Nathan (8) decides he’s a carpenter and wants to ‘gird up his loins’ (2 Kings 9:1) to do his work “I need a belt so I can tuck in my guts”

Strong 328
1. to gird up
2. metaph. be prepared
a. a metaphor derived from the practice of the Orientals, who in order to be unimpeded in their movements were accustomed, when starting a journey or engaging in any work, to bind their long flowing garments closely around their bodies and fastened them with a leather belt.

I Peter 1:13 Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary-

He exhorts them to sobriety and holiness. 1. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, etc., v. 13. As if he had said, "Wherefore, since you are so honoured and distinguished, as above, Gird up the loins of your mind. You have a journey to go, a race to run, a warfare to accomplish, and a great work to do; as the traveller, the racer, the warrior, and the labourer, gather in, and gird up, their long and loose garments, that they may be more ready, prompt, and expeditious in their business, so do you by your minds, your inner man, and affections seated there: gird them, gather them in, let them not hang loose and neglected about you; restrain their extravagances, and let the loins or strength and vigour of your minds be exerted in your duty; disengage yourselves from all that would hinder you, and go on resolutely in your obedience. Be sober, be vigilant against all your spiritual dangers and enemies, and be temperate and modest in eating, drinking, apparel, recreation, business, and in the whole of your behaviour. Be sober-mined also in opinion, as well as in practice, and humble in your judgment of yourselves.’’

A Good word!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

I found myself of

I need "influencers" People who will visit my sight at amazon, brouse around, write a review, put me on a listmania list, ect. The hits will insure the I will pop up in a timely manner when I am searched. Just click on the Highlighted "THe Gown" below and it will take you there. Thanks a lot!!! 2 weeks til Launch and counting. Blessings deb

From: Debra Henderson
Hello,I found this item at and thought you might find it of interest.

The Gown
by Debra Henderson
Available for Pre-order
List Price:


You Save:

$2.80 (20%)

Sincerely,Debra Henderson

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Tree in the Wind

I remember asking God, if “all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose”, and then what was the “Good” that came out of my abuse? Why did I, or any other little girl, suffer at the hands of the men they trust? What good is that? ..
I pondered this as I was preparing to give my testimony for the first time in a large public setting. It was to a women’s ministry group of 100 or more. There would be women there from the Sunday school class my husband and I attended. Did I really want them to know my dark secrets? Would they treat me different? God had already healed many of my wounds through counseling and group work in Graduate School. Why did I need to tell anyone here, so far away from home and my family?
But I know God had His reasons. A woman I had met at a Women’s Aglow meeting and who I had studied TD Jakes’ Woman, Thou Art Loosed with was in charge of arranging for people to share their testimonies. She had asked me.
I prayed and asked God for the words to express my story in a way that would show the triumph I felt. I did not want to elicit pity or shame. I knew there were other women that would be at this meeting who needed to deal with their own abuse, but not just to stir up old wounds or put blame. I needed them to know that there is joy in the journey and healing for the ache inside.
One evening, as I was reading a gardening article the Holy Spirit began to speak to me. The article advised what to look for if you buy a sapling from a nursery. The tree expert recommended that you buy a tree that is still firmly planted where it has been nurtured. I thought a potted tree would be more convenient. But he said that you need to observe that the tree had been allowed to stand alone in the weather, not protected by wind breaks or in a clump of trees. This would assure that the sapling, swayed by the wind had developed deep roots and a sturdy elastic trunk. These things were important because, in the yard where it was to be planted it would have to withstand these things and not be brittle and break off or be uprooted easily.
“A sapling that is allowed to be buffeted by the winds of adversity while young would be strong and able to handle many future storms.”
There was my answer. I had always felt that God had a call on my life. And the storms followed me to College, Graduate School and into counseling where I took with me, kicking and screaming, my family. My sister and her husband, my mom and dad and hopefully someday my brothers will find the path of healing God has let me down. But most people don’t always face their demons willingly, not until the feel they have no other choice. I have always had the strength and courage to face the hard things, in myself and others. I believe “the winds of adversity while young” is what gave me this strength. He knew I’d need it. It didn’t mean He wanted it to happen, or that He didn’t cry over my pain. I believe He did allow it to perfect into the person He has called me to be, bold, loud, stubborn and strong.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Moms who sword fight

My youngest son asked me to sword fight with him one afternoon, at which I replied, Mommies dont sword fight. That's daddy's job.
He was taken a bit aback. He looked at me seriously with his four year old eyes.
"But mommy, what about the dragon," He asked me sincerely.
He was referring to a chapter in my book where I defeat a three headed dragon, Moloch, who represents for me the type of abuse I want to shield my children from.
"Well, I mean I don't fight people,"I corrected myself. I liked that he remembered the story and I want him to see me as a heroin.
"Mommies only fight in spiritual warfare."
He looks at me confused.
I continue, "Mostly they fight when something threatens to hurt their children, like I killed the dragon with my dagger. "
"Did you stab him?" He asked
"Yeah, in the eye," I said with conviction."Then I cut his head off, but it grew back.”
"Cool!" He was enthralled waiting for the rest of the story.
"Remember? I threw a vial of poison into his that blew in his stomach."
His eyes were wide with shock. Then he stopped and looked at me, turning his head slightly so that his gazed was now from the corners of his eyes.
"Mommy, is this for real, or just pretend?"
I laugh at his honesty, but not sure how to answer; I reached for the biblical truth."
"It's for real alright, just not in the flesh. The bible says, "Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of this dark realm." (Eph. 6:12)
I felt profound, but the explanation was lost on him.
"What?"is all he could say.
"It is hard for me to explain now but remember. My pen is my dagger and my journal is my shield." I motioned as if to stand guard.
"Let me see your shield." He inquired further.
"Its downstairs, you know, those books I carry around and am always writing in?"
"Whatever..." is how he finished to conversation as he walked off to find someone who would spar with him till his dad got home.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Secret Keeper Moms

I have joined with several tween moms to begin connecting with our daughters and sharing our faith on a regulare basis, twice a month at Barnes and Noble. It has turned to a nice fellowship time. One month til Release, Ahhhhh!!