Thursday, July 27, 2006

Captivating Conference

I had the priveledge to attend a Captivating "mini-conference" on the last day of CBA in Denver. They showed clips of some of my favorite romantic movies, talked about the true desires of a woman's heart and blessed us with some of the new materials authors John and Stasi Eldredge have coming out this Fall. Their websight is I hope to be able to connect with them again and maybe even take a group of gals to one of their Captivating weekends. They also have some great Wild at Heart resources for our Warrior men. Rich is actually considering going on a retreat!!! I'm soo excited.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What a month!

I have given myself a week to get organized after this month of traveling. It wasn't enough but I am going back to "work". CBA was a blessing and an eye opener. I am looking forward to sharing all that God has revealed, especially when I figure out what I want to do with it. First I am going through contacts ect and wanted to give some links to the Phil Joel Websight called I also have me pub date of Oct 3rd and link to the tate order page.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I am here in Denver at the International Christian Retailers show. It has been a very busy and a bit discouraging time. I took a class yesterday for Prospective Christian retailers. I got a very negative view of the market and I was so discouraged by lunch that I had to leave and walk around. I remembered that I had signed up for the "New artist Luncheon" and I went down to it. Being late and by myself I found a half empty table on the back stage side of the area(not a real good view) but 2 minutes after I sat down, Phil Joel, from the News Boys, sat down right next to me and we had a lovely lunch chatting about our latest projects, kids and travel. We really hit it off. I know because later at a signing party he remembered me and wished me luck on my book. Isn't God good? I needed the encouragement and pick me up both times and I made it through the class. I'll blog later on the book process too. I cant wait til the Captivating conference on Thur. Blessings, deb

Friday, July 07, 2006

The lifecycle of the white gown

This evening we attended the wedding of our friends, Pastor David and Carrie Hayslip's eldest daughter, Camille. (It was exceptionally beautiful by the way)
Remembering that it was at a wedding we attended together that Richard first mentioning getting married makes weddings a true walk down memory lane for us.
I was reminded of a piece I wrote last year about the Life Cycle of a White Gown.
It started when I brought our precious bundle home for the first time. I placed her in that white eyelet bassinet, her first photos were in a white gown. When Dedicating her to the Lord, a white gown with matching bonnet was her outfit at a Sunday morning service in Kentucky. For her first birthday a white battenburge lace dress, looking like a porcelain doll, portrait. It still hangs in the hall. When she gave her heart to Jesus and was baptized with her brother, she wore a white choir robe. Someday, she'll wear another white gown, on her wedding day, and possible that night also. Perhaps as she carries her child also she will wear a white gown and take the "Madonna w/Child" photo like I did while expected my second born. The bible said that when we get to heaven we will all be given white robes(It will be a gown to me)...And I think, life's most important events are most appropriately attended in a white gown...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

On the road again

We brought sunshine back to the Northeast and rain back with us to West Texas. The traveling Hendersons returned on the 4th to Lubbock from a quick trip to New York and New Jersey. We visited Rich's maternal Grandfather "POPPOP" and step-grandmother "Gigi Evelyn" . Our prayers with them as the doctors seek to help Evelyn discover and remediate the pain in her lower back from a fracture in May. While there we celebrated Grandma Judy's birthday, saw our cousins Blyth and Abigail. Swam on the Jersey shore and paid a quick visit to our old friend The Big Apple. We will be off again this Saturday to Colorado, by way of El Paso for Rich and the kids and Deb is heading to CBA in Denver.