Friday, February 23, 2007

Grace and Peace to you

I have known just of few women if my life who have been the true essence of grace to me. Woman who carry and express themselves in such a way that you are drawn to them in a mysterious nonsexual attraction. I have truly desired to exude this grace. I have prayed for it, looked for it, even studied it. Soon turning 40 and still believing it has eluded me, I have all but given up the pursuit. When, out of the blue, I was surprised my a compliment that totally stunned me.
"Well, you just have that kind of grace." was her comment.
"What?" I replied in shock, "I have prayed for grace, but I’ve decide it wasn’t a gift God wanted to give me."
"Well you have it." was her simple reply.
In my word study on Grace, the Old Testament word Strong # 2580 represents the classical Christian concept of the unmerited favor of God but also the concept from an objective point of view of beauty, pleasant and precious. It comes from the root word Strong’s #2306 -"to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior or a gracious act to someone in need" That is the kind of grace I want to exude, and encourage in my daughter.
Many times in the bible God changed the names of the people He moved in. My character I have been blogging about, Delores (a.k.a. brought forth in pain) Will be changed to Grace.

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