Sunday, October 29, 2006

A cord of Three Strands

"And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him, and a cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." Ecc 4:12

I have been taught, or maybe I heard it in a sermon once that the 3 strands represents a husband, wife and God. My kids surmised that it is the Trinity that is meant here. These are both good and even Godly answers but is it what I need?
As I asked God in prayer, what are the three that make something, someone "not quickly torn apart" a familiar verse came to mind "And these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love" I Corinthians 13:13

Faith, what is it? (other that the substance of things hoped for)
In the frame of parenting, My Faith is my religious beliefs. and for me they include my spiritual heritage. Faith of our Fathers, if you will. I need to share faith stories, not just those from the bible but also of my and my husband's faith walk and even that of our parents and grandparents. This part of our history is often omited because it is so personal but I believe it is pertinent to a child's spiritual maturity to know our struggles, strenghts and weaknesses and how we came to know God and continue to grow in Him. If a parent isn't confident enough to share that with their children, who will?

Hope, as my daughter put it is God and Jesus, not just that I have hope to go to heaven when I die but that God is a benevolent God who has good things planned for me "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans for hope and a future" Jer 29:11 I know this verse got me through some pretty hopeless times. I need to speak and demonstrate this hope to my children. I need to walk this talk. Do I act like God is on my side? Do I ask Him for those good plans? Do I speak the good destiny to and over my children in their hearing? They need to hear that, daily, weekly, yearly, every chance you get. Bless them with the hope we have for them to grow into the overcomers we know they can be.

Love - This one is simple for me What is love? "God is Love." I John 4:8
Be His love to your kids, love them silly. Love them enough to fight the hard battles. Love them enough to sacrifice our comfort but most of all love them enough to train and discipline them, even when they fight us.

A cord of these three strands were the life line that my parents wove for me before I ventured out into the big wide world. I hope to also do the same for mine...

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