I decided this morning, that in order to work my lovely offspring out of the misconception that I owe it to them for life to be fun or fair, I would change my preferred title to "Mean Mommy"So that instead of saying "Yes, mame" after I give them needed instructions or discipline, they were to respond "Yes Mean Mommy" So that they knew I didn't care if they thought that the chosen task was too hard, too mean or not fair. They know I love them but self discipline is a chore not easily accomplished while be known as "Fun Mom" So, move over "Fun Mom", "Mean Mommy" has moved in for the summer, at leaste until "Spoiled Whiney Children" go back to school or are replaced by "Obedient Respectful Apple of my eye" children. Hope your summer is going at leaste as productive as mine, if not more peaceful.